Genre: social drama
Director: Jack Clayton
Release: 1959
Studio: Romulus Films - Continental Distributing
Rating: -
MBiS score: 8.6/10
A Short Cut To Happiness
Laurence Harvey’s name doesn’t figure significantly in the pantheon of movie stars but, in his brief career (from around 1954 to 1965), he was fortunate enough to play in a handful of important films, including ROOM AT THE TOP. As Joe Lampton, a young man committed to marriage and money by all means necessary, he will plot about, win more than his share of admirers among the fair sex and even find love.
Just like eager Joe, the script for ROOM AT THE TOP doesn’t beat around the bush; you won’t need more than ten minutes of crisp and cynical dialogue to get acquainted with our small-town opportunist. But don’t judge him too hastily! All in all, he’s not that despicable and, considering the hard knocks he has received in life, he is looking to catch up, essentially. But will he succeed? I won’t spoil it for you; suffice it to say that his endeavour will get awfully complicated.
For the rest, commenting on this movie is an easy task because of its abundant qualities. A methodical script fills in all the details, establishing each character’s motivations very efficiently, and the acting will captivate you. Laurence H. is most credible as our ambitious and tormented protagonist, Heather Sears convinces as a conventional girl torn between love and family while Simone Signoret, an Oscar and Cannes winner here, commands attention with her nuanced portrayal of an unhappy woman; the plot also involves minor but critical characters who are all played with energy. Clashes about personality, status and moral issues – typical English fare – are frequent and nasty in ROOM AT THE TOP but always depicted with realism and a lot of heart. Don’t miss this flawless psychological drama that would shame many in Hollywood today. Kudos to Jack Clayton for his direction and to John Braine, whose novel inspired this startling movie.
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