Genre: comedy/drama
Director: William Wyler
Release: 1953
Studio: Paramount Pictures
Rating: -
MBiS score: 7.6/10
Royal AWOL
Once upon a time, a young and beautiful princess touring Europe became dissatisfied with her rigid lifestyle and began uttering odd requests like “I’d love to sleep in a pyjama top instead of a nightgown”. Of course, her wishes were politely denied but rejection only strengthened her resolve and, at night, she managed to slip out of her gilded cage to see how commoners really lived. As fate would have it, she immediately fell in with an American journalist hunting for a juicy exclusive. For him, a royal on the lam could only mean one thing: tabloid heaven!
With such a premise, you could rightly expect a sugary romcom and, for a while, ROMAN HOLIDAY does recall those sticky candies Aunt Clarinda pokes in your face every time you go near her. Fortunately, screenwriters Ian McLellan Hunter and Dalton Trumbo have cooked up a few surprises for the princess and the pauper and, when things clear up, the film takes on a meaning and a certain gravitas that are frankly astonishing.
The movie has qualities aplenty, beginning with a stellar cast that easily compensates for the mushiness early on. Audrey Hepburn shines as Ann, Her Unsuspecting Highness, and Gregory Peck is a stalwart as Joe Bradley, the pressman with a marketable scoop; Eddie Albert, portraying an avid paparazzo, prods them both with his exuberance. The production is suitably perfect and William Wyler’s direction faultlessly serves a story-line peppered with falsehoods, hijinks and some rather touching moments.
All in all, you won’t regret seeing this entertaining fairy tale mixing light comedy and thoughtful drama. Though it may feel old-fashioned, it still easily trumps more recent films on the same subject matter. Princess Ann’s predicament will even ring a bell for those of you familiar with the plight of the English monarchy the past two decades. Sit down and enjoy this cute film!
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