Genre: social and political drama
Director: Andres Wood
Release: 2005
Studio: Andres Wood Producciones et al. - Menemsha Entertainment
Rating: -
MBiS score: 7.4/10
Chile at the Tipping Point
In 1973, political storm clouds were gathering over Chile as militants for and against communism clamoured ominously and President Allende was introducing controversial reforms. It is this time of social and economic anxiety that Andres Wood has competently captured in MACHUCA by focusing not on the big picture but on two schoolboys from opposite sides of the track, Gonzalo Infante (Matias Quer) and Pedro Machuca (Ariel Mateluna), who are forced to study together under new integration policies.
Generally speaking, MACHUCA is a typical coming of age story in which two lads learn about each other and the world around them but the film’s narrative depicts their troubles with such delicacy and naturalness that you cannot help rooting for them. It doesn’t hurt that our two boys are played by very likeable young actors and are surrounded by a rich cast of characters you will love or hate with equal passion. As for the serious issues raised by the script, they are stated fairly and realistically with an adult audience in mind. I also enjoyed the overall aesthetics of this very watchable movie.
Unfortunately, as nuanced a drama as MACHUCA truly is, it is partly ruined at the very end by a heavy-handed flourish that feels preposterous and inexplicable. I have no doubt that events such as those presented really happened, but not in the way they were handled onscreen; as is, the script sacrifices credibility in order to unleash all of its pent-up anger. To make things worse, this overemphasis is compounded by the closing song that hits you with a blast of unneeded noise.
Because of this faux pas, I cannot recommend MACHUCA as highly as I would have liked. It is still a valiant film but, with minor changes, it could have been even better. I would give it a respectable 7.4 out of 10.
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