Genre: crime drama
With: Gena Rowlands (Gloria Swenson), John Adames
(Phil Dawn), Julie Carmen (Jeri Dawn), Buck Henry (Jack Dawn), Jessica Castillo
(Joan Dawn), John Finnegan (Frank), Basilio Franchina (Tony Tanzini)
Director: John
John Cassavetes
Release: 1980
Columbia Pictures
Rating: PG
MBiS score: 8.2/10
Babysitter with a Snubnose
the Bronx in the late 1970s. Coming home from the grocery store, Jeri Dawn
finds the household in a panic. Her husband Jack warns her that the mob is
looking for him and that fleeing is their only option. As they pack up essentials,
a good-hearted neighbour named Gloria rings at the door. Pressed for time, Jeri
asks her an unusual favour: to take care of her two kids, Joan and Phil.
great acting by a lovely and gutsy Gena Rowlands and a spunky John Adames (the
two dominant characters in the story), fine support from a good cast, no-frills
direction by a most respected helmer, an uncluttered, ever-interesting
screenplay that shows humanity and brutality for what they are, Fred Schuler’s
eye-catching cinematography, credible production values, George C. Villaseñor’s
noteworthy editing, a swinging musical score by Bill Conti and a memorable
none really.
Comments: among movie critics, GLORIA hasn’t scored as highly as other works by John Cassavetes − maybe because it’s more of an action film than one of his profound character studies − but it deserves to be seen and even admired. It’s a thrill to watch Gloria − who knows about mob culture − establish a reluctant and difficult relationship with little Phil, a bright boy in dire straits. Heartbreak, danger, irony and courage, this movie scores on all accounts. And, above all else, there’s Gena Rowlands. Gena, Gena, Gena…
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