Genre: police drama
With: Didier Bezace (Lucien ‟Lulu” Marguet), Cécile Garcia-Fogel
(Kathy, Lulu’s wife), Lara Guirao (Cécile, Lulu’s prostitute friend). The members
of Lulu’s narcotics squad are: Jean-Paul Comart (Dodo), Charlotte Kady (Marie),
Jean-Roger Milo (Manuel), Nils Tavernier (Vincent) and Philippe Torreton (Antoine)
Director: Bertrand
Michel Alexandre and Bertrand Tavernier
Release: 1992
Studio: Canal +, Les Films Alain Sarde, Little
Bear et al.
Rating: -
MBiS score: 8.4/10
Of Dope Fiends and Dope Friends
Story-line: as a narcotics cop, Lulu Marguet doesn’t always follow the rules – hence his transfers from one police unit to another – but he gives his all every time he hits the street. As a private citizen, his life is no less hectic… and worrisome.
Pluses: tour-de-force performances by a charismatic Didier Bezace and an energetic cast, a relentless screenplay loaded with colourful characters and revealing dialogues, vigorous direction by one of France’s most important filmmakers, tight editing, eye-popping cinematography and a frenetic, original-sounding musical score.
Minuses: so you won’t be confused by the rapid stream
of characters early on, here are a few pointers: (a) in the first act, the story
focuses on Lulu and a bunch of bit players; (b) Cécile and Kathy, seen very briefly
in the first act, will be featured more prominently as the story develops; (c) the
narcotics squad comes in at around the 30-minute mark. Be advised that this film
contains several scenes of police brutality (regrettable but apparently
unavoidable) and gut-wrenching action.
Comments: L.627 was a section of the French Public Health Code that outlawed drug trafficking and other related offences and, according to the screenplay, suspects accused of such offences were submitted to medical monitoring for 24 hours after their arrest. These are just a couple of the many insights to be gained from this hyperactive, adrenalin-pumping movie about police work in the City of Lights. Like his colleagues on the squad, Lulu has to deal with informants, exhausting shifts, drawn-out stakeouts, administrative incompetence, brushes with hardened criminals and a tattered private life. Sounds unpromising? Not so for Bertrand Tavernier (1941-2021), who has painted a riveting and ultimately endearing portrait of one basically good human being facing mayhem each and every day. And it’s quite a feat, actually.
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