Genre: psychological drama
With: Nina Hoss (Nelly Lenz), Ronald Zehrfeld
(Johnny Lenz), Nina Kunzendorf (Lene Winter, Nelly’s best friend), Trystan Pütter
(the soldier), Michael Maertens (Arzt), Imogen Kogge (Elisabeth), Felix Römer
Director: Christian
Screenplay: Christian
Petzold and Harun Farocki (based on Hubert Monteilhet’s novel)
Release: 2014
Studio: Schramm
Film Koerner & Weber, Bayerischer Rundfunk et al.
Rating: PG-13
MBiS score: 8.4/10
The Role She Was Born to Play
Story-line: in the days after World War II, a Jewish woman badly disfigured by the Nazis undergoes reparative surgery and sets out to find her husband without whom life would be meaningless.
Pluses: impeccable acting by Nina Hoss and cast, a mature
and riveting screenplay that evokes the surreal uneasiness of post-war Germany
and progresses steadily toward a glorious conclusion, satisfying aesthetics and
production values, first-rate direction, a fabulous musical score by Stefan
Will (appearing as a pianist) and unusually crisp sound recording.
Minuses: some
reviewers have faulted the screenplay as implausible but, try as I may, I didn’t
find anything in it that requires more than the usual suspension of disbelief. What
can I say… this movie really scored with me.
Comments: in
a way similar to the mythical bird, PHOENIX symbolizes Nelly’s return to life
after terrible traumas and unsettling realizations. And her resurgence is all
the more captivating in Christian Petzold’s mysterious movie that will haunt
you well after its final credits. Speak Low When You Speak Love…
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