Genre: socio-political drama
With: Lubna Azabal (Nawal Marwan), Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin (Jeanne Marwan), Maxim Gaudette (Simon Marwan), Rémy Girard (Notary Lebel), Dominique Briand (Professor Niv Cohen), Hamed Najem (Wahab), Majida Hussein (Nawal’s grandmother), Nabil Koni (Uncle Charbel), Zalfa Chelhot (Nouchine), Abdelghafour Elaaziz (Abou Tarek), Baya Belal (Maika), Allen Altman (Notary Maddad), Hussein Sami (Nihad at 5), Yousef Soufan (Nihad at 15), Mohamed Majd (Wallat Chamseddine)
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Screenplay: Denis Villeneuve with Valérie Beaugrand-Champagne (from a play by Wajdi Mouawad)
Release: 2010
Studio: micro_scope, TS Productions et al.
Rating: R
MBiS score: 8.6/10
It’s a Small World After All
Story-line: after Nawal Marwan’s death, her twentysomething twins raised in Québec are thrown for a loop when they hear the contents of her last will and testament. Referring to a promise unkept, Nawal has left two letters for them to deliver, one to their father – whom they believed dead – and the other to a brother they never knew they had. Moreover, to fulfill the promise, they must travel to her country of origin, Lebanon, and delve into its troubled recent history.
Pluses: a serious and intricate story, an airtight screenplay that provides effective flashbacks and fine dialogues, restrained performances by a competent group of actors (especially the Middle Eastern cast), Denis Villeneuve’s moderately paced direction that captures the mood and complexity of the story while keeping viewers interested throughout, impressive cinematography (most notably on location) and a hard-hitting ending.
Minuses: you may need some time to get used to this heavy film but it all works out splendidly as its mysteries are unravelled.
Comments: although INCENDIES (which means ‟Fires”) is excellent in every way, I have rarely seen a movie in which the story is so dominant a feature. Its potent themes (the search for one’s identity, the cycle of violence in the Middle East and the duty of memory) are exposed in a flawless, compelling and devastating way. Let Denis Villeneuve, a world-class director, and Wajdi Mouawad, the fearless playwright, take you to this other world, this other context we all need to understand wherever we live on this planet. INCENDIES, in my judgment, is one of the very best films ever produced in Québec.
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