All the President's Men
Genre: political drama
With: Dustin Hoffman (Carl Bernstein), Robert Redford
(Bob Woodward), Jack Warden (Harry Rosenfeld), Jason Robards (Ben Bradlee), Martin Balsam (Howard Simons), Hal Holbrook (Deep
Throat), Jane Alexander (the bookkeeper), Meredith Baxter (Debbie Sloan)
Director: Alan J. Pakula
Screenplay: William Goldman (from the book
by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward)
Release: 1976
Studio: Warner Bros. et al.
Rating: 14
MBiS score: 8.7/10
‟Nothing's riding on this except the, uh, first
amendment to the Constitution, freedom of the press, and maybe the future of
the country.”
Story-line: Washington, 1972. When a break-in
occurs at the Democratic National Committee office and its presumed
perpetrators are arrested, two Washington Post reporters discover that
this odd event is linked to a much larger scheme.
Pluses: a formidable pair of leads in Dustin Hoffman and
Robert Redford, stellar support from Jason Robards and Jack Warden, a
well-crafted and chilling screenplay that gets downright spooky when Woodward
and Bernstein realize how dangerous their work has become, top-flight direction
and irreproachable production values.
Minuses: none I can think of.
Comments: if you're not familiar with the Watergate
scandal, its particulars and key figures, this hefty and vital movie brilliantly covers
that whole cover-up. Please note that the identity of Deep Throat, a crucial
source, was known only in 2005! As a personal comment, what we are seeing now
in Washington echoes those tumultuous times and, any way I look at it, I do
worry for the American people.
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