Taxi Driver
Genre: psychological
With: Robert
De Niro (Travis Bickle), Cybill Shepherd (Betsy), Jodie Foster (Iris), Harvey
Keitel (‟Sport”), Albert Brooks (Tom)
Director: Martin
Release: 1976
Studio: Columbia
Pictures, Bill/Phillips et al.
Rating: 16
MBiS score: 9.0/10
An Angel Perhaps…
With a Mohawk and a Gun
a lonely New York City cabbie incensed by the decadence around him comes to see
himself as a man on a mission.
Robert De Niro’s unforgettable performance as the disturbingly disturbed Travis
Bickle, strong turns by Harvey Keitel and a very young Jodie Foster, a
terrifying screenplay by Paul Schrader, Martin Scorsese’s superlative direction
and harrowing cameo, evocative shots of NYC’s seedier side and, of course, Bernard
Herrmann’s fabulous score that seduces one second and threatens the next.
Minuses: the
movie features foul language and violence.
Comments: if
TAXI DRIVER was released today, we might refer to Travis Bickle as a lone wolf,
an extremist or a radicalized individual… which shows how much this brilliant
and atmospheric film is still relevant in our times of disenchantment and
anger. Don’t miss this Palme d’Or winner and American masterpiece inducted into
the National Film Registry in 1994. ‟You talkin’ to me? Well I'm the only one
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