Genre: crime thriller
With: Ewan McGregor, Kerry Fox, Christopher Eccleston
Director: Danny Boyle
Release: 1994
Studio: Figment Films, FilmFour et al. – Gramercy Pictures
Rating: R
MBiS score: 8.2/10
Story-line: Juliet, David and Alex are faced with a lucrative problem when their new roommate dies unexpectedly.
Pluses: a brisk set-up, inspired acting, a quirky mood and good direction.
Minuses: none, except for a couple of ghastly scenes.
Comments: SHALLOW GRAVE, a fresh take on a well-worn premise, was a first for Ewan McGregor and Danny Boyle, who teamed up again one year later for TRAINSPOTTING, another far-out flick. This one’s for movie buffs who want lively, suspenseful and surreal entertainment!
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