Genre: comedy drama
Director: Dylan Kidd
Release: 2002
Studio: Artisan Entertainment
Rating: R
MBiS score: 8.0/10
Unlocking the Secret Code of Love
Young Nick (Jesse Eisenberg) may be naive when it comes to matters of the heart but at least he knows where to find advice. Leaving his home in Ohio, he heads for the Big Apple to talk to his uncle Roger Swanson (Campbell Scott), a publicist and man about town who has a way with words and with women (or vice versa). Nick’s education in modern love can now begin in earnest. With Isabella Rossellini (Joyce Maynard, Roger’s boss), Jennifer Beals (Sophie) and Elizabeth Berkeley (Andrea).
I’ll be brief about this one. ROGER DODGER is a wily, spunky little film that should show you a good time if you pay attention and follow the rules. Really now, how can you go wrong with a teacher like Roger? He’s a persuasive chap, an experienced lover and a keen believer in hands-on training. Always remember the basics: ‘Sex is everywhere’. And if Roger’s not your idea of a nice guy, no problem… you’ll still love how Campbell Scott plays this Lothario to a T. Same goes for the cast around him, especially Jesse Eisenberg, Jennifer Beals and Elizabeth Berkeley, if you don’t mind me saying so.
The other big star of this sparkling little feature is Dylan Kidd, who penned its nifty screenplay and did wonders as a first-time helmer. ROGER DODGER was Kidd’s baby all the way and he can certainly be proud of it. I need not comment on the movie’s production values which are very adequate indeed.
Think you can handle it now? Then do your homework! Look up ROGER DODGER and watch it attentively. In doing so, you’ll realize that its lessons apply not only to young love but also to the movie industry itself. As I’ve written before, blockbusters and big names may attract all the hoopla but it’s often unheralded productions that are the most gratifying. Give this one a try for the sake of cinema.
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