English title: Very Happy Alexander
Genre: comedy
With: Philippe Noiret, Françoise Brion, Marlène Jobert
Director: Yves Robert
Release: 1968
Studio: Prodns de la Guéville, Madeleine Films, Films de la Colombe
Rating: -
MBiS score: 8.1/10
Story-line: Alexandre, a farmer in rural France, dreams of the good life but his darling wife La Grande (the Tall One) simply doesn’t see things his way.
Pluses: a magical atmosphere à la BABE, Philippe Noiret’s fine performance, that wonderful dog, solid direction and a delightful music score.
Minuses: one bad scene involving local farmers could have been toned down but it detracts little from the overall result.
Comments: a fanciful, wondrous ode to laziness that warms the heart and soothes the soul. Alexandre is such a charming goldbrick that you will root for him every step of the way. Do see this simple, nostalgic gem.
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