Genre: psychological drama
With: Maggie Cheung Man-yuk, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Rebecca Pan
Director: Wong Kar-Wai
Release: 2000
Studio: Jet Tone et al. - October Films, USA Films
Rating: PG
MBiS score: 8.4/10
Story-line: Hong Kong, 1962. When the Chows and the Chens move into adjoining apartments, a mix-up occurs and several items end up in the wrong hands. From then on, both couples will be bound by fate.
Pluses: superb visuals and fine acting.
Minuses: since the movie emphasizes psychology, aesthetics and mood, some may find it slow, artsy and uneventful.
Comments: a powerful film on yearning and despair, undying love and social pressures.
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