Genre: wildlife adventure
With: John Wayne, Elsa Martinelli, Hardy Kruger, Red Buttons
Director: Howard Hawks
Release: 1962
Studio: Malabar Prodns - Paramount Pictures
Rating: -
MBiS score: 8.2/10
Story-line: Sean Mercer never has a dull day at the office. With his crew, he roams the East African countryside looking for wild animals to capture on behalf of American zoos.
Pluses: stupefying landscapes and cinematography, death-defying action, a memorable music score by Henry Mancini, solid acting, a few dashes of humour and a collection of critters you will learn to respect.
Minuses: a couple of sequences feel a bit corny. The film should be avoided by animal rights activists who will regard it as an abomination.
Comments: an awesome adventure film that still stands out as an original. Marvel at those huge and majestic rhinos!
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