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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Madame Butterfly

Genre: romantic drama  

With: Ying Huang (Cio-Cio-San), Richard Troxell (B.F. Pinkerton), Ning Liang (Suzuki), Richard Cowan (Sharpless), Jing Ma Fan (Goro), Christopheren Nòmura (Prince Yamadori), Constance Hauman (Kate), Kusakabe Yo (Uncle Bonze), Kamel Touati (Uncle Yakusidé)

Director: Frédéric Mitterrand

Screenplay: Frédéric Mitterrand (adapted from the libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica)

Release: 1995

Studio: Erato Films, Idéale Audience, Imalyre et al.

Rating: -

MBiS score: 8.6/10 


‟She's like a porcelain doll. She sets me on fire.” 



Story-line: Japan, 1904. Pinkerton, an American naval officer temporarily stationed in Nagasaki, has decided – why not! – to live it up during his stay. He buys himself a house complete with servants and gets engaged to pretty Cio-Cio-San. Sharpless, the American consul who advises him, acknowledges that he is free to do whatever he chooses but urges caution anyway.

Pluses: admirable singing and acting by Ying Huang (an immensely touching Cio-Cio-San) and Richard Troxell (a dashing Pinkerton), firm support from Ning Liang, Richard Cowan and Jing Ma Fan, remarkable direction, a simple yet intense screenplay depicting memorable characters and events, breathtakingly beautiful cinematography, ravishing production values (sets, costumes, locations), a lovely musical score and a powerful ending.

Minuses: the story-line could be considered anti-American if not for the worldly Sharpless who embodies another side of ‟yankee” culture.

Comments: the very accessible MADAME BUTTERFLY is one of the best operas ever composed and Frédéric Mitterrand’s dignified version for the screen does justice to Puccini’s masterpiece. Each and every frame of this movie is purposed for beauty and filmed with dedication and respect. Even if opera isn’t your thing, you will feel fortunate to see such a spectacle of passion and tragedy. ‟Dovunque al mondo lo Yankee vagabondo…*”



*‟Everywhere in the world the wandering Yankee…” - Source: 

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Genre: musical drama

With: Roger Daltrey (Tommy), Oliver Reed (Frank), Ann-Margret (Nora), Elton John (the Pinball Wizard), Eric Clapton (the Preacher), Keith Moon (Uncle Ernie), Paul Nicholas (Cousin Kevin), Jack Nicholson (the Specialist), Robert Powell (Captain Walker), John Entwistle and Pete Townshend (as themselves), Tina Turner (the Acid Queen), Barry Winch (young Tommy)

Director: Ken Russell

Screenplay: the Who and Ken Russell (based on Pete Townshend’s rock opera) with additional material from John Entwistle and Keith Moon

Release: 1975

Studio: Robert Stigwood Organisation Ltd., Hemdale

Rating: PG

MBiS score: 8.2/10 


The Boy Wonder, His Mother, the Abusers Around Him and His One True Hope 



Story-line: when Nora Walker, the wife of an English World War II pilot, learns that her husband has died in combat, she is all alone to give birth. The war ends, Nora raises little Tommy by herself and, just as she finds happiness with a new man, Tommy witnesses an event so traumatizing that he becomes deaf, dumb and blind. Will fate always be brutal to Nora’s son?

Pluses: solid acting by Ann-Margret, Oliver Reed (as a rather scuzzy character) and Roger Daltrey (remarkable for his screen presence, physical acting and powerhouse vocals), fine support from a mix of well-known thespians and artists (Tina Turner, Keith Moon and Paul Nicholas are standouts), hectic and flamboyant direction, a logical, imaginative and sometimes outrageous screenplay built on dialogues almost entirely sung, extravagant production values (costumes, sets, choreography), striking visuals, an ambitious musical score and an ending that comes full circle.

Minuses: be warned that the Who, in their heyday, had a peculiar obsession with baked beans.

Comments: on some level, Ken Russell’s film was a precursor to music videos of the 1980s and its source material – Pete Townshend’s catchy songs from 1969 – has aged quite well, even by today’s standards. Daring, driving and rip-roaring, TOMMY pays tribute to a milestone in rock music history and amps up the entertainment for maximum viewing pleasure. See me! Feel me! Touch me! Heal me! 



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